Company Info
Ningbo Shun Zhao Machinery Manufacturing Co. , Ltd

Street Address: Ningbo City

City: Ningbo

Province: Zhejiang

Country/Region: China

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Wheel Fastner for Byd

M12 x1.25 hex: 13 / 16 " Height: 30mm Finish: Chrome also we can provide OEM seivice.any material.any finish,any size etc. With our competitive price, on-time service and reliable quality ,We have become an influential company in ...
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: BYD

Car Wheel Nut Height: 25mm

M10x1.25 hex: 5 / 8 " Height: 25mm Finish: Chrome also we can provide OEM seivice.any material.any finish,any size etc. With our competitive price, on-time service and reliable quality ,We have become an influential company in ...
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: BYD

Wheel Nut for BYD

M12 x1.5 hex: 13 / 16 " Height: 35mm Finish: Chrome also we can provide OEM seivice.any material.any finish,any size etc. With our competitive price, on-time service and reliable quality ,We have become an influential company in ...
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: BYD

Wheel Nut M12 x1.5

Wheel Nut M12 x1.5 hex: 13 / 16 " Height: 35mm Finish: Chrome also we can provide OEM seivice.any material.any finish,any size etc. With our competitive price, on-time service and reliable quality ,We have become an influential ...
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: BYD

Wheel Lock Nut Finish: Chrome

M12 x1.25 hex: 13 / 16 " Height: 30mm Finish: Chrome also we can provide OEM seivice.any material.any finish,any size etc. With our competitive price, on-time service and reliable quality ,We have become an influential company in ...
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: BYD

Wheel Nuts Fastner

M16 x1.5 hex: 3 / 8 " Height: 32mm Finish: Chrome also we can provide OEM seivice.any material.any finish,any size etc. With our competitive price, on-time service and reliable quality ,We have become an influential company in ...
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: BYD

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