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Dongfeng 1094differential Parts (2402F-331)

1, The semi- Tooth 20CrMnTiH use of high- Quality alloy steel forging, Gear precision forging; Precision forging the elimination of tooth root cutting, Bending the gear to improve anti- Fracture ability. 2, Cross- Axis 20MnVB use of high- Quality ...
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: Dongfeng

Differential Case (2402N-315)

1. Mechanical properties such as hardness and technical indicators to undergo a rigorous inspection with the QT450- 10 GB/ T1348 material requirements. 2, The product pipeline processing by the professional formation of the key dimensions through ...
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: Dongfeng

Differential Case (mid-axle)

1. High efficiency, High quality 2. Safe and comfortable 3. Easily manipulated, Fuel- Efficient
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: Dongfeng

Differential Case (mid-axle)

1. High efficiency, High quality 2. Safe and comfortable 3. Easily manipulated, Fuel- Efficient
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: Dongfeng

Differential Housing (mid-axle)

1. High efficiency, High quality 2. Safe and comfortable 3. Easily manipulated, Fuel- Efficient
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: Dongfeng

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