Company Info
Fischer Technologies Limited.

Street Address: Rm. 503, No. 822, Yishan Road

City: Shanghai

Province: Shanghai

Country/Region: China

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Progressive Stamping Seat Belt Retractor Frame Stamping

we have 400 tons, 315 tons, 300 tons ,200 tons machines for progressive stamping, the parts are most related to car safety belt system including the retrator frames, channel for the buckle, height adjuster and etc. we have also fine blanking ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Autoliv, Delphi,

Stamping Fine Blanking Plastic Injection Overmolding

we have 400 tons, 315 tons, 300 tons and 200 tons progressive stamping machines. the parts are mostly related to car safety belt system including retractor frames, channels for the buckle, height adjuster and etc. we have also fine blanking ...
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: Autoliv, delphi

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