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Transmission Housing

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Clutch Housing-VW Transmission

VW car transmission clutch housing, used on VW 02T/02J transmission Our housing is shipped complete, ready to set-up and install, including with the clutch housing are 1) Pinion, differential, and input shaft bearings 2) Side flange and ...
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: VW

Clutch Housing

AQ015 clutch housing, used on Chery AQ015 transmission. Our housing is shipped complete, ready to set-up and install, including with the clutch housing are 1) Pinion, differential, and input shaft bearings 2) Side flange and input shaft ...
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: Chery

020/02K Clutch Housing

Clutch housing for all 02K transmission, our housing is shipped complete, ready to set-up and install, including with the clutch housing are Pinion, differential, and input shaft bearings Side flange and input shaft seals
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: VW

VW 02J clutch housing

02J clutch housing, used on VW 02J transmission. Our housing is shipped complete, ready to set-up and install, including with the clutch housing are 1) Pinion, differential, and input shaft bearings 2) Side flange and input shaft seal
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: VW

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