Company Info
ALB (Xiamen) Material Company Limited

Street Address: Sishuidao, Huli

City: Xiamen

Province: Fujian

Country/Region: China

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Screw Contact,Spiral Contact,Strip Contact,Contact Strips,Canted-Coil Spring

CuBe2 UNS.C17200 CuBe2Pb UNS.C17300 CuCo2Be UNS.C17500 CuNi2Be UNS.C17510 CuCoNi1Be beryllium copper rod ALB-ALLOY is capable of producing the following grade of beryllium copper rod and bars, such as ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Auto

Strips Contact,Contact Strip,Canted-Coil Springs

CuBe2 UNS.C17200 CuBe2Pb UNS.C17300 CuCo2Be UNS.C17500 CuNi2Be UNS.C17510 CuCoNi1Be beryllium copper rod ALB-ALLOY is capable of producing the following grade of beryllium copper rod and bars, such as ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Auto

Canted Coil Springs C17200

CuBe2 UNS.C17200 CuBe2Pb UNS.C17300 CuCo2Be UNS.C17500 CuNi2Be UNS.C17510 CuCoNi1Be beryllium copper rod ALB-ALLOY is capable of producing the following grade of beryllium copper rod and bars, such as ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Auto

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