Company Info
Xuruite Bearing Co.,LTD

Street Address: Chenglinzhuang road

City: Tianjin

Province: Tianjin

Country/Region: China

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Skf Bearing

The scope of our company includes: Linear bearing, Sleeve, Crossed- Roller bearing, Block bearing, Deep groove ball bearing, Aligning ball bearing, Angularcontact ball bearing, Thrust ball bearing, Aligning roller bearing, Needle roller bearing, ...
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: N/A

Self-aligning ball bearing

The scope of our company includes: Linear bearing, Sleeve, Crossed- Roller bearing, Block bearing, Deep groove ball bearing, Aligning ball bearing, Angularcontact ball bearing, Thrust ball bearing, Aligning roller bearing, Needle roller bearing, ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: General

Skf bearing

we can provide bearing to you from our stock. you can check our website: sindabearing where can be see the products we can provide from stock. any interests. please kindly contact.
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: Dfasdg

Thrust ball bearing

we can provide bearing to you from our stock. you can check our website: sindabearing where can be see the products we can provide from stock. any interests. please kindly contact.
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: General

Deep groove ball bearings

The scope of our company includes: Linear bearing, Sleeve, Crossed- Roller bearing, Block bearing, Deep groove ball bearing, Aligning ball bearing, Angularcontact ball bearing, Thrust ball bearing, Aligning roller bearing, Needle roller bearing, ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: General

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