Company Info
Zhuzhou Diamond Material Corporation Ltd Zhuzhou Diamond Material Corporation Ltd

Street Address: Diamond Road, Hetang District, Zhuzhou

City: Zhuzhou

Province: Hunan

Country/Region: China

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Molybdenum CNC

Molybdenum products are important in the missile industry, where it is used for high-temperature structural parts, such as nozzles, leading edges of control surfaces, support vanes, struts, reentry cones, heal-radiation shields, heat sinks, turbine ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: As a parts

Molybdenum Parts Processing

mm mm D L 2040 ...
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: KCC

Kovar Metal Packaging Shell

Optical devices such as light emitting / receiving module, laser, optical modulator device with metal shell more varieties, and based on the need to choose the housing structure, materials and dimensions.
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: JDSU

Kovar Step Plate

Etching step plate is suitable for parallel seam sealing process, cover the use of chemical etching process, the material is 4J42, the edge of thin, thick in the middle of the characteristics meet the technological requirements of welding, ensures ...
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: JDSU

Kovar A Special Form Of Housing

The number of varieties, it includes more structural types, difference is bigger, more customized shell. 43 can be based on customer demand, specially designed and customized processing of housing.
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: JDSU

Molybdenum Wire,Bars,Rods,And Granulates

Mainly used in the manufacture of electric light source, contact materials and heating elements .
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: KCC

Micro Hole Machining

Hole range can be processed, D0.03--D3
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: As a kind of parts, can be used

Oxygen-Free Copper Processing

Zhuzhou City Diamond New Materials Co., Ltd. is a state-owned 601 production line technology, based on precise profile restructuring, is the earliest engaged in metal injection molding R & D and production technology company, is the first Kovar ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: As a parts, can be used

Tungsten Parts Processing

Tungsten parts wear, difficult processing, our company successfully developed tungsten parts processing technology. To provide precision machine parts processing, can be single volume
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: KCC

Tungsten Wire,Bars,Rods,And Granulates

Mainly used for electric light source, vacuum plating of electrical contacts and heating elements
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: KCC

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