Company Info
Hubei Xinwei Technology Co. , Ltd. Hubei Xinwei Technology Co. , Ltd.

Street Address: No.7 Renhe Road,Industrial Park Laohekou City

City: Xiangfan

Province: Hubei

Country/Region: China

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Magnesium die casting

The auto parts made of magnesium can improve the auto. performance, and the efficiency, protect the environment and reduce the tooling free.
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle

Magnesium die casting

The auto parts made of magnesium can improve the auto. performance, and the efficiency, protect the environment and reduce the tooling free.
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle

Magnesium die casting

The auto parts made of magnesium can improve the auto. performance, and the efficiency, protect the environment and reduce the tooling free.
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: Dongfeng

Magnesium die casting

The auto parts made of magnesium can improve the auto. performance, and the efficiency, protect the environment and reduce the tooling free.
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle


casting of automobile chassis parts & engine parts by Using Resin Sand-Coated Iron Mold Process; Magnesium Die Casting.
Market Type: OE Market
Typical Clients: Dongfeng

Casting for DongFeng,Foton

Our company specializes in producing the casting of automobile chassis parts & Engine parts by Using Resin Sand- Coated Iron Mold Process. We also do the magnesium die casting, Al umnium casting etc.
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: DONGFENG, FOTON

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