Company Info
Xin Yuan Electronics Technology Co. , Ltd.

Street Address: A Building, Silicon Valley Power Ind. Park, Longhua Town

City: Shenzhen

Province: Guangdong

Country/Region: China

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Car TV Antenna

1. Supply voltage DC 10.5 Cameroon 16.5V 2. Power Historical 0.03 60 3. Frequency 48 Historical 860MHZ 4. Gain 15 ± Isolator 5. Noise figure ≤ 7DB 6. 75 ohm output impedance 7. Output VSWR ≤ 3 8. Ambient temperature -20 °C to ...
Market Type: After Market

Car TV Antenna

1. Supply voltage DC 10.5 Cameroon 16.5V 2. Power Historical 0.03 60 3. Frequency 48 Historical 860MHZ 4. Gain 15 ± Isolator 5. Noise figure ≤ 7DB 6. 75 ohm output impedance 7. Output VSWR ≤ 3 8. Ambient temperature -20 °C to ...
Market Type: After Market

Car TV Antenna

1. 10.5V DC supply voltage Historical 16.5V 2. Supply current 80MA 3. Frequency AM / FM / TV / DTV 4. Gain AM 5 ± 3dB FM 15 ± 3dB TV 18 ± 3dB 5. Installation : affixed within the glass - 6. 75 ohm output impedance ...
Market Type: After Market

Car TV Antenna

1. 10.5V DC supply voltage Historical 16.5V 2. Supply current 80 MA 3. Frequency AM / FM / TV 4. Gain Amplifier AM 5 ± Z FM 3 ± Z 5. 75 ohm output impedance 6. Antenna angle of 65 ° 7. Ambient temperature -20 ° C to ...
Market Type: After Market

Car TV Antenna

1. 10.5V DC supply voltage Historical 16.5V2. Historical supply current 60 0.03 3. Historical work 860MHZ frequency of 48 FM / TV 4. Gain 15 ± 3dB 5. 75 ohm output impedance 6. Ambient temperature -20 °C to +70 °C for Cameroon 7. ...
Market Type: After Market

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