Company Info
Chengdu Tuoke Sealing Element Co. , Ltd.

Street Address: No. 478, 4th Tengfei Road, Southwest Airport Economic Development Zone

City: Chengdu

Province: Sichuan

Country/Region: China

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Oil Seal

Excellent chemical & physical property. Oil resistance, heat resistance, wearing resistance. Available in various specifications and colors. Manufactured accordfing to customers' needs. They are all of high quality and competitive price.
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: General Automobile.

Oil Seal

Excellent chemical & physical property. Oil resistance, heat resistance, wearing resistance. Available in various specifications and colors. Manufactured accordfing to customers needs. They are all of high quality and competitive price.
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Automobile, Motorcycle. Etc.

Oil Seal

Excellent chemical & physical property. Oil resistance, heat resistance, wearing resistance. Available in various specifications and colors. Manufactured accordfing to customers needs. They are all of high quality and competitive price.
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Automobile

Oil Seal

Excellent chemical & physical property. Oil resistance, heat resistance, wearing resistance. Available in various specifications and colors. Manufactured accordfing to customers needs. They are all of high quality and competitive price.
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Automobile

Oil Seal

Excellent chemical & physical property. Oil resistance, heat resistance, wearing resistance. Available in various specifications and colors. Manufactured accordfing to customers needs. They are all of high quality and competitive price.
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Automobile, Motorcycle. Etc.

Oil Seal

Excellent chemical & physical property. Oil resistance, heat resistance, wearing resistance. Available in various specifications and colors. Manufactured accordfing to customers needs. They are all of high quality and competitive price.
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Automobile

Oil Seal

Excellent chemical & physical property. Oil resistance, heat resistance, wearing resistance. Available in various specifications and colors. Manufactured accordfing to customers needs. They are all of high quality and competitive price.
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Automobile, Motorcycle. Etc.

Oil Seal

Excellent chemical & physical property. Oil resistance, heat resistance, wearing resistance. Available in various specifications and colors. Manufactured accordfing to customers needs. They are all of high quality and competitive price.
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Automobile

Oil Seal

Excellent chemical & physical property. Oil resistance, heat resistance, wearing resistance. Available in various specifications and colors. Manufactured accordfing to customers needs. They are all of high quality and competitive price.
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Automobile

O Ring

Excellent chemical & physical property. Oil resistance, heat resistance, wearing resistance. Available in various specifications and colors. Manufactured accordfing to customers needs. They are all of high quality and competitive price.
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Automobile

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