Company Info
Toyan Auto Engine Parts Factory

Street Address: Chonghe Area, Qingxi Town Dongguan City

City: Dongguan

Province: Guangdong

Country/Region: China

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Toyan Auto Engine Parts.xls

[Oct 26, 2009]
Toyan Automobile Engine Parts Factory is a Taiwanese- owned enterprise established by first- class technological group of Taiwan area. We use advanced technology and manufacturing workmanship to make high quality engine overhaul full sets, cylinder head gaskets, oil seals, and valve seals, special rubber covers for saloon cars, passenger cars, commercial cars, diesel cars and ships. Toyan products sell well all over China and are exported to Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, the USA, Ecuador, Burma, South Korea, South Africa, Indonesia, Turkey, Peru, Dubai, Pakistan, Egypt, Yemen, Iran, Iraq and Russia. Toyan overhaul full sets and cylinder head gaskets are made strictly and widely applicable to the cars that cover Toyota, Isuzu, Mitsubishi, Komatsu, Nino, Nissan, Mazda, Honda, Hyundai, Daewoo, Kia, Opel, Suzuki, Daihatsu, Benz, Peugeot, Bmw, Citroen, Ford and GM.
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