OEM No/Model: 346
eMMC30 Test Socket Adapters eMMC / Nand chips Test Adapters
from vipprogrammer.com
optional 1: eMMC30 Test Socket_11.5 X 13_0.5 with SD Adapter (compatible 153 and 169)
optional 2: eMMC30 Test Socket_12 X 16 _0.5 with SD Adapter (compatible 153 and 169)
optional 3: eMMC30 Test Socket_12 X 18 _0.5 with SD Adapter (compatible 153 and 169)
optional 4: eMMC30 Test Socket_14 X 18_0.5 with SD Adapter (compatible 153 and 169)
optional 5: eMMC30 Test Socket_11 X 10 _0.5 with SD Adapter (compatible 153 and 169)Related Product Tags:
automatic cleaning , brake fluid , buffer pad , Buffing Pad , car care product , car cleaning , car cleaning glove , car cleaning towel , Car Humidifier , Car paint , car polisher , Car Protector , automatic car wash , car wash brush , car wash cloth , car washing systems , car wash pad , car wash sponge