Company Info
Yueqing Qiang Tai Precision Fasteners Co. , Ltd.

Street Address: Zheng Yang Tian Estate Yueqing

City: Wenzhou

Province: Zhejiang

Country/Region: China

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Product List

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Automotive Fastener

Our company produces the standard to adopt: American system (ANSI ) , World (GB ) , International universal standard (ISO ) made in Japan (JIS ) of the German system (DIN ). The goal of the company is the products managing , Achieving the first ...
Market Type: After Market

High Tensile Strength Fasteners

Our company produces the standard to adopt: American system (ANSI ) , World (GB ) , International universal standard (ISO ) made in Japan (JIS ) of the German system (DIN ). The goal of the company is the products managing , Achieving the first ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: N ( A)

Stainless Steel Fastener

Our company produces the standard to adopt: American system (ANSI ) , World (GB ) , International universal standard (ISO ) made in Japan (JIS ) of the German system (DIN ). The goal of the company is the products managing , Achieving the first ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Auto

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