Company Info
Shandong Yichang Auto Friction Material Co. , Ltd.

Street Address: Zhoucheng Industry Park, Dongping Country, Taian

City: Tai'an

Province: Shandong

Country/Region: China

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Product List

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Brake Pad, Disc

our disc break pads had fully met, even exceeded the European break advanced technical features (non-asbestos, non-steal fiber, non-chemical fiber), which truly realized no asbestos, no metal (non ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and ...
Market Type: After Market

Brake Pad/ Disc

ourdisc brake pad had fully met, even exceeded the European break advanced technical features (non-asbestos, non-steal fiber, non-chemical fiber),which truly realized no asbestos, no metal (non ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and non-sulfide), ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Auto

Brake Pad/ Disc

our disc break pads had fully met, even exceeded the European break advanced technical features (non-asbestos, non-steal fiber, non-chemical fiber), which truly realized no asbestos, no metal (non ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Auto

Brake Pad, Disc

our disc break pads had fully met, even exceeded the European break advanced technical features (non-asbestos, non-steal fiber, non-chemical fiber), which truly realized no asbestos, no metal (non ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Auto

Brake Pad/ Disc

our disc break pads had fully met, even exceeded the European break advanced technical features (non-asbestos, non-steal fiber, non-chemical fiber), which truly realized no asbestos, no metal (non ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Auto

Brake Pad/ Disc

our disc break pads had fully met, even exceeded the European break advanced technical features (non-asbestos, non-steal fiber, non-chemical fiber), which truly realized no asbestos, no metal (non ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Auto

Brake Pad and Shoe, Disc

our disc break pads had fully met, even exceeded the European break advanced technical features (non-asbestos, non-steal fiber, non-chemical fiber), which truly realized no asbestos, no metal (non ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Auto

Brake Pad and Shoe, Disc

our disc break pads had fully met, Even exceeded the European break advanced technical features (non- Asbestos, Non- Steal fiber, Non- Chemical fiber), Which truly realized no asbestos, No metal (non ferrous metals, Non- Ferrous metals and non- ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Auto

Brake Pad and Shoe, Disc

Our disc break pads had fully met, even exceeded the European break advanced technical features (non-asbestos, non-steal fiber, non-chemical fiber), which truly realized no asbestos, no metal (non ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Auto

Brake Pad and Shoe, Disc

the production of our disc break pads had fully met, even exceeded the European break advanced technical features (non-asbestos, non-steal fiber, non-chemical fiber), which truly realized no asbestos, no metal (non ferrous metals, non-ferrous ...
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Auto

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