Product Attribute:
Type:Car Polish
Expiration Date:2022years
Carton size:4cm
iphone 6S 6SP 64G 128G nand flash Memory, upgrade iphone 6S 6SP memory capacity to 64G ( 128G, pre-wirted the underlying data and right SN, 100% tested well for using)
Production Description:
iphone 6S 6SP 64G 128G nand flash Memory, upgrade iphone 6S 6SP memory capacity to 64G / 128G, pre-wirted the underlying data and right SN, 100% tested well for using,
iphone 6S 6SP 64G 128G HDD expand NAND Flash Memory with SN number
expand 6S 6SP NAND Flash Memory 128G
We sell iphone 6S 6SP 64G 128G, you need tell us the SN number, then we will write the 6S 6SP HDD, the all functions will be okay, expand 6S 6SP NAND Flash Memory to 64G /128G.
Change the damaged or error HDD on iphone 6S 6SP, can repair universal error: can't turn on the phone, wifi can't be used. other emerging Bluetooth can not be used.
Expand your iPhone 6S 6SP nand flash memory storage to 64G / 128G HDD
Note: new 6S 6SP hard-disk test fixture and programmer will be released at recently, just check our website news.
Step 1: Open the iphone case, Get motherboard.
Step 2: Remove Old 16G or damaged HDD on motherboard
Step 3: Prepared 128G HDD (underlying data and right SN have be pre-writed)
Step 4: Fix the HDD correctly, Pls test the voltage firstly, Then, Re-root
Step 5: Expand your iPhone 6S /6SP to 128G