E-catalog list

Steel Wheel.DOC

[Sep 21, 2009]
our main size 22.5*6.75 22.5*8.25 22.5*7.50 22.5*9.00 22.5*11.75 22.5*14.00 24.5*13 24.5*15 19.5*7.50 19.5*6.75 12.25*19.5 19.5*6.00 17.5*6.75 17.5*6.00 20*5.50 F 20*6.00F 24*9.00

Tubleness Steel Wheel.XLS

[Sep 21, 2009]
Sell tubleness steel wheel main size 14. 5*6. 00 13*15LB 17. 5*6. 00 19. 5*6. 00 22. 5*7. 50 20*5. 50 14. 5*7. 00 17. 5*6. 75 19. 5*12. 25 22. 5*8. 25 24. 5*13 20*6. 00 19. 5*6. 75 22. 5*9. 00 24. 5*15 19. 5*7. 50 22. 5*11. 75 19. 5*8. 25 22. 5*14. 00

Steel Wheel 8. 25*22. 5.XLS

[Sep 21, 2009]
8. 25*22. 5 14. 5*6. 00 13*15LB 17. 5*6. 00 19. 5*6. 00 22. 5*7. 50 20*5. 50 14. 5*7. 00 17. 5*6. 75 19. 5*12. 25 22. 5*8. 25 24. 5*13 20*6. 00 19. 5*6. 75 22. 5*9. 00 24. 5*15 19. 5*7. 50 22. 5*11. 75 19. 5*8. 25 22. 5*14. 00

Truck Radial Tire.doc

[Sep 21, 2009]
9.00R20 10.00R20 10.00R20 10.00R20 11.00R20 11.00R20 11.00R20 11.00R20 12.00R20 12.00R20 11R22.5 11R22.5 11R22.5 11R22.5 11R24.5 11R24.5 11R24.5 11R24.5 295/75R22.5 295/75R22.5 295/75R22.5 285/75R24.5 285/75R24.5 285/75R24.5 315/80R22.5 315/80R22.5 295/80R22.5
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