Company Info
RuiDa Battery Co. , LTD. WuZhou City China.

Street Address: Million Donghuan Road Show On The 28th District

City: Wuzhou

Province: Guangxi

Country/Region: China

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E-catalog list

Vehicle Maintenance- Free Battery.xls

[Mar 26, 2010]
Main products: automobile storage battery, marine storage battery This products already passed the acception of the National storage battery authoritive insititution , and got the storage battery prodution lisence, code is: XK06- 044- 01001, passed ISO9001: 2000, the certificate of international quality management system and also obtain the award of the storage battery's “Quality Certificate for Export Products”.

Vehicle Acid Storage Battery.xls

[May 23, 2009]
Main products: automobile storage battery, marine storage battery This products already passed the acception of the National storage battery authoritive insititution , and got the storage battery prodution lisence, code is: XK06- 044- 01001, passed ISO9001: 2000, the certificate of international quality management system and also obtain the award of the storage battery's “Quality Certificate for Export Products”.
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