Company Info
Zhuzhou Masen Technology Co. , Ltd.

Street Address: Overseas Scholars Business Park

City: Zhuzhou

Province: Hunan

Country/Region: China

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[Mar 26, 2010]
We have made severl kinds of automotive electronicsl products which include Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Reversing monitor system, And car MP3. Also our products have a number of national patents. Among them, The Tire Pressure Monitoring System uses the latest technology from the United States and international top- Level device. It also have the important support from the National Development and Reform Commissions Industrialization Fund guide. The product has already exported to the United States and the European . Industry experts speak highly of our products. The products are also honoured with a number of awards of China automobile electronics industry.

Car MP3.doc

[Mar 26, 2010]
We have made severl kinds of automotive electronicsl products which include Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Reversing monitor system, And car MP3. Also our products have a number of national patents. Among them, The Tire Pressure Monitoring System uses the latest technology from the United States and international top- Level device. It also have the important support from the National Development and Reform Commissions Industrialization Fund guide. The product has already exported to the United States and the European . Industry experts speak highly of our products. The products are also honoured with a number of awards of China automobile electronics industry.
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