Company Info
U.F.Qingdao International Trading Co., Ltd.

Street Address: 67, Hongkong West Road

City: Qingdao

Province: Qingdao

Country/Region: China

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Radial passenger car tire 185R14C

UF brand radial Passenger car tire available now: 155/80R13, 165/65R13, 165/70R13, 175/70R13, 175/80R14, 185/70R14, 185/80R14, 185R14C, 195R14C, etc. We offer you competitive price and short delivery time, guaranteed tire quality and full warranty.
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Auto

Passenger Car Tire

UF brand passenger car tires available now, 155/80R13, 165/70R13, 175/70R13, 185R14C, 195R14C, 6.50R16, 7.00R16, etc. We offer competitive price and prompt delivery time, we guarantee superium tire quality and provide full warranty
Market Type: After Market
Appliaction: Passenger Car

Radial Passenger car tire

UF brand radial passenger car tires available now, 155/80R13, 165/70R13, 175/70R13, 185R14C, 195R14C, 6.50R16, 7.00R16, etc. We offer competitive price and prompt delivery time, we guarantee superium tire quality and provide full warranty
Market Type: After Market

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