Company Info
Zhejiang Kaitai Auto Parts Co.,Ltd Zhejiang Kaitai Auto Parts Co.,Ltd

Street Address: No 15 Chunlan Road, Economic Zone, Lanxi City

City: Jinhua

Province: Zhejiang

Country/Region: China

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[Mar 01, 2011]
As you know we are specializing in producing brake pads for all kinds of cars and trucks, the product is with less noise, reasonable hardness and friction-resistant, good stability, non-pollution and long service life, today I send you some brake pads which is selling very well with large quantity, please kindly check(please rest assured there is virus, they have been scanned), if they are also suitable to your market, it will be my great pleasure! Also we welcome your inquiry for any of the product! Then the best price list will be offered to you as soon as possible


[Mar 01, 2011]
As you know we are specializing in producing brake pads for all kinds of cars and trucks, the product is with less noise, reasonable hardness and friction-resistant, good stability, non-pollution and long service life, today I send you some brake pads which is selling very well with large quantity, please kindly check(please rest assured there is virus, they have been scanned), if they are also suitable to your market, it will be my great pleasure! Also we welcome your inquiry for any of the product! Then the best price list will be offered to you as soon as possible
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