Street Address: E049, Liyuang Plaza, YongFu Road
City: Guangzhou
Province: Guangdong
Country/Region: China
No distance limited/ GSM networkAlarm to phone;report the detail situation of the carControl cars by phone: Arm/disarm, enable/disable the engine,etc.Simple friendly voice menu7 telephone numbers:Two for warning and control;two for emergency; three fast dial numbersTransmitter usage as normal: arm/disarm,car 7)searching,silently armTrigger Sensor including the normal style car alarmAnti-hijacking:Sensitivity of shock sensor adjustableSystem power off alarmingAlarm memory recallBands( 850MHZ/1900MHZ,900MHZ/1800MHZ,)Door detect Automatic central locking systemCompatible with any carsGSM network alert.Keyboard for phone call