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Street Address: Xuyang Road, Yueqing town

City: Shenzhen

Province: Guangdong

Country/Region: China

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Single Sided Pcb Circuit Board

We can provide 1- 12 layer pcb printed circuit boards. In addition, We can provide pcb assembly . Please kindly give us your files for a quote. We can deal with CAM350, PCAD2002, PROTEL, Power PCB and PADS. The parameter of pcb we can produce as ...
Market Type: OE Market
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4 Layer HASL Printed Circuit Boards

1)material: FR- 4, FR- 1, CEM- 1, CEM- 3, FR- 4 Halogen Free 2)layer: 1- 12 3)board thickness: 0. 4mm- 3. 2mm 4)copper thickness: 0. 5oz, 1. 0oz, 2oz, 3oz, 5)min. Drilled hole size: 0. 2mm 6)min. Track width/ Space: 4/ 4mil(0. 1/ 0. 1mm) 7)surface ...
Market Type: OE Market
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