Our company specialized in manufacturing powder metallurgy structure part, carbide alloy (MIM) , precise part of stainless steel , precise gear wheel (MIM) , vapor/ locomotive component, gas/electric implement,kover alloy, hardware module of all kinds and so on, which can be broadly used in industries and enterprises of many walks in and out of the country such as precise alliance, electron, electrical appliance, automobile, autocycle, bicycle, elctromotion tools and office facilities, communication, apparatus, toys, medical facility, paper broken machinery, packing machine, light industrial electrical products and so on, and we professionally collected the exploitation, manufacture and marketing of moulding technology by powder metallurgy pressing and injection. Having introduced large number of advanced homemade or imported facilities, and possessed many experienced technical bodies, our company concentrated with professional attitude on exploiting and manufacturing of high and new technology, material and fresh products. Furthermore, we provide strongly quality tracing and technology service to customer if needed.