In this catalog, you can see following items: DL CODE, MAKE, NISSENS, , H, W, T, M/ A, . etc. There are many kinds of products of HEATER CORE. The main information is the OE numbers, such as, , 811819031 171819031D1H1819031A 191819031F8D1819030A 8D1819030A 8D1819030A 443819030 443819031B 443819031C443819030 443819031B 443819031C and so on. Their apprications are ACURAAUDIBMWFORDHONDAKIALADANISSANPEUGEOTRENAULTHONDAFrom which, you will see almost all the kinds of products, so you should be not miss it.