OEM No/Model: OEM
1. Roller bearing: Cylindrical roller bearing, Spherical roller bearing, Needle roller bearing, Tapered roller bearing.
2. Material: GCr15, GCr15SiMn, Stainless steel.
3. Advantages: High accuracy, applicable to highrate rotary.
5. Application: Heavy electric motor, machine tool main shaft, axletree axle box,
Diesel engine crank shaft and the gear box, automobile, tractor, etc.
6. Product types: Single row cylindrical roller bearing, double row cylindrical roller bearing, four rows cylindrical roller bearing and a kind of inch size roller bearing.
NU202 NU302 NU402 NU504 NU1004 NU2204 NU2304 NN3006
NU203 NU303 NU403 NU505 NU1005 NU2205 NU2305 NN3007
NU204 NU304 NU404 NU506 NU1006 NU2206 NU2306 NN3008
NU205 NU305 NU405 NU507 NU1007 NU2207 NU2307 NN3009
NU206 NU306 NU406 NU508 NU1008 NU2208 NU2308 NN3010
NU207 NU307 NU407 NU509 NU1009 NU2209 NU2309 NN3011
NU208 NU308 NU408 NU510 NU1010 NU2210 NU2310 NN3012
NU209 NU309 NU409 NU511 NU1011 NU2211 NU2311 NN3013
NU210 NU310 NU410 NU512 NU1012 NU2212 NU2312 NN3014
NU211 NU311 NU411 NU513 NU1013 NU2213 NU2313 NN3015
NU212 NU312 NU412 NU514 NU1014 NU2214 NU2314 NN3016
NU213 NU313 NU413 NU515 NU1015 NU2215 NU2315 NN3017
NU214 NU314 NU414 NU516 NU1016 NU2216 NU2316 NN3018
NU215 NU315 NU415 NU517 NU1017 NU2217 NU2317 NN3019
NU216 NU316 NU416 NU518 NU1018 NU2218 NU2318 NN3020
NU217 NU317 NU417 NU519 NU1019 NU2219 NU2319 NN3021
NU218 NU318 NU418 NU520 NU1020 NU2220 NU2320 NN3022
NU219 NU319 NU419 NU604 NU1021 NU2221 NU2321 NN3024
NU220 NU320 NU420 NU605 NU1022 NU2222 NU2322 NN3026
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