The SG1436 is one kind of monolithic amplifiers that is designed for use in high voltage applications up to +/- 40 V and where high common-mode input ranges, high output voltage swings and low input currents are required. This device is internally compensated and is pin compatible with industry standard operational amplifiers.
Features of the SG1436 are:(1)high supply voltage capability;(2)high output voltage swing;(3)high common-mode voltage range;(4)internal frequency compensation;(5)input current 35 nA maximum over temperature;(6)available to MIL-STD-883 and DESC SMD;(7)SG level "S" processing available.
The absolute maximum ratings of the SG1436 can be summarized as:(1)input voltage: 30 V;(2)peak load current: 100 mA;(3)ouput short circuit duration is 5.0 sec;(4)operating junction temperature: 150 ;(5)storage temperature range: -65 to +150 ;(6)lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds): 300 .