A: Summary
DSHD-8018D Gasoline Oxidation Stability Tester is designed and made as per the national standard of Peoples Republic of China GB/T8018-87 Gasoline - Determination of oxidation stability - Induction period method.
Its main function is to determine the oxidation stability of gasoline, also can be correspond with ASTM D525.
B: Main technical specifications and parameters
1. Power supply: AC220V±550Hz
2. Relative humidity:85%
3. Measuring range of oxygen bomb pressure transmitter:(01600)kPaaccuracy:±2
4. Temperature control point of metal bath: 100.0±1
5. Thermometer: provide glass mercury thermometer, can correct coefficient as need.
6. Ambient temperature: 30
7. Heating tube power:1600Wthe actual heating power is automatically controlled by computer